DS9 Reviews by Matthias and Renée

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An American in Germany

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Inner Light

This is a video of birds in and around Munich, with one of my favorite renditions of Star Trek music in the background. The photos are my own but not the music. However I did acknowledge the musicians in the credits, so I hope I am not violating any copyright. If so, I will remove it immediately.

Anyway, enjoy it while it is still here!



  1. Love the photos! You've got some beautiful neighbors out there. Where can one find that music?

  2. Thanks for your feedback! Glad you liked my photos! Visit my Fotocommunity page (see below) for more. Regarding the music, I don't know where to buy that rendition any more, but my current favorite version is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=606Vk2iSFNk. I'd also suggest you go to Trek Mate and listen to the closing segment of their 24-hr. podathon: http://www.trekmate.org.uk/the-24hr-podathon/ (and the rest of it too, of course ;)) Rick Moyer (http://startrekparodies.com) put it together wonderfully!


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